Scholarly Publications

English department faculty members and graduate students are affiliated with the following critical and scholarly publications.

boundary 2

boundary 2: an international journal of literature and culture (Duke University Press) publishes cutting edge criticism, reviews, and interviews.

Paul A. Bove has edited the journal since 1989, during which time it has evolved from a journal of "postmodernism" to a journal dealing theoretically and historically with literature and culture in ways important to a transitional era in media, writing, politics, and ideas. boundary 2 is a "must-hold" journal in the humanities, according to the American Library Association, and has won numerous awards and notices. The editorial collective includes a number of internationally famous scholars of U.S., European, Latin, and Pacific literatures and cultures. Address correspondence to managing editor Meg Havran at

Critical Quarterly

Critical Quarterly is an internationally renowned journal focusing on a unique blend of literary criticism, cultural studies, poetry, and fiction. The journal addresses the whole range of cultural forms, so, for example, discussions of cinema and television appear alongside analyses of the accepted literary canon.

Edited by Colin MacCabe, CQ welcomes submissions from both new and established researchers and writers. The journal hopes to allow non-specialist readers to introduce themselves to recent questions in any of the given disciplines.

The Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy and Culture

The Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture (University of Pittsburgh Press) publishes books on composition and rhetoric, literacy, and culture; on the history of writing, reading, and instructional practice; on the construction of American literacy and letters; and on the relations between language and gender, ethnicity, race, or class.

The series, edited by David Bartholomae and Jean Ferguson Carr, seeks work informed by a range of disciplines—including literary theory, history, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, education, and philosophy—in order to provoke reflection about disciplinary practices.

Books published in the series have won numerous awards, including the Mina P. Shaughnessy Prize for outstanding research publication, the College Composition and Communication Conference Outstanding Book Award, the W. Ross Winterowd Award from JAC, the Gary A. Olson Award from JAC, the Rhetoric Society of America Book Award, NCTE's David Russell Award, and the James H. Britton Award from the National Council of Teachers of English.